Maimoto Keisuke

Maimoto Keisuke

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A 39-year-old single farmer. A Japanese who suffers from premature gray hair. He loves watching sports more than anything else. He is being tampered with by the children in the neighborhood as a white-haired old man, and although he honestly wants them to stop. But he is just a small citizen who is scared of the perspective from neighbors and cannot express himself strongly.

Products (5)
"Cheer Up Voice" - Group D
2025.01.10 - 2025.01.31 (JST)

Cheer Up Voice

"Cheer Up Voice" - Group D

From ¥500
"Caring Voice" - Group D
2025.01.10 - 2025.01.31 (JST)

Caring Voice

"Caring Voice" - Group D

From ¥500

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